07 May, 2009

Musicians in LSC

Lyndon State College,
A place for musicians.
Here's a video and a map of the best places on campus to play music.

View Places for music in a larger map

30 April, 2009

for the iReport project

"All Shook Up" is the musical that was performed at Lyndon State College in Lyndonville, VT over last weekend. The Thursday through Sunday performances were rough, but overall manageable.
This video is an interview done after the Thursday night performance. A couple issues the musicians encountered were dealt with, and the final product was released. It was very much the same situation as when a video game console company releases their latest child to the world only to have to do tech support for the re-releases. The following shows went over much more smoothly. The more the band worked on a song before and after performances, the more we understood each others' roles.
Chris was very pleased with his first show, "Could not be more proud of my performers, this was my first time conducting and my shoulder hurts... we had a few bumps, but we really did well tonight" he says with a poorly lit smile on his face. "Gazelle" as he's more commonly known, was a focused, coordinated, and very direct conductor. He helped tune the instruments, create riffs and lines for the band in those "hard to learn" areas of the music, and even kept the energy and attitude positive throughout everything. The band pulled together and knew their individual places during the shows. Everybody had their time to shine, whether it was Sonny's drum solos, Linda's piano only songs, Dave's classic blues ending for some songs, Iain's crazy riffs he laid on top of it all, or Josh's bass holding the instruments together. Overall, everybody had fun, from the band, to the players, and especially the audience. It was also brought to our attention that the donations we received for this performance outweighed any record set in the last few years. There were reasons to feel good all around, and we hope to have shows in the future that are equally as successful and enjoyable.


29 April, 2009

final project

Hey Dan,

For the final project I will be working alone. I think I will make a video about me and my musical friends. It should be fun, hopefully. Talk soon. ~J

14 April, 2009

iReport reviews assignment

Bully don't bother me

This is a very stern report. I really felt where this man was coming from. Although I find that the students who were responsible for Columbine were not in fact the product of bullying but rather the product of Nazism and personal hate, I still understood his position. I too have been a victim of bullying. I've always been the odd man out in everything in life. I've hated being different and I've hated being singled out. I terrifies me to know that it probably will not stop no matter how much progress we accomplish. The report itself is well worded, heartfelt, and a little controversial. This man has been featured on CNN many times, and rightfully so. He speaks softly and powerfully all at once. He seems to be a good person to listen to casually and feel what he's feeling.

Pirates vowing to kill U.S. Soldiers

This iReport lacks structure. This man spends too much time making noise. I'm not referring to how much he talks, but rather how much time he spends making noise that is not talking. "uh"s and "um"s occupy far too much space in this video. In addition he does not grasp that the tone he is taking is too bland, there is no feeling in his voice. He seems to be too close to the camera, which makes him come off as overpowering and in your face. His message is clear, but it is jumbled. He says that these pirates are not terrorists but they are despicable and comes to the conclusion that we must do what Thomas Jefferson did and blow them out of the water. He ends his iReport with "Our technology is much more advanced" which is ambiguous and is not really an ending. It's more of a general statement that belongs in the middle or beginning of someone's monologue and it should be followed with an explanation of what the person speaking means. It would have been better if he had ended it with "Thank you for listening" or something to that effect.

On 'Socialists' in Congress

This man, better identifying himself as Joe Puente, has either good editing skills or a good editor. His video was well put together. It had different shots, different tones, and even parts where he brings himself up to the camera to speak directly to the viewer. He addresses the ridiculous notion that there are socialists in Congress. The furthest left anybody in a position of power has reached is middle, and we call them liberals. In short, Joe has a point he is trying to get across and does it interestingly, rather than boringly with just a monologue in front of a camera. In addition, he has links in his story to articles with direct definitions of the terms he's using so there is less confusion as to what he means. I must say bravo to this man for knowing how to make a decent informative editorial video.

24 March, 2009

My toolbox

Hello all,
I just thought I'd let people know that I am a musician. Of course I have neither a band or enough background to start recording, but still I practice and learn and create. As a person who had a minimum wage job, I know what it's like to be on a limited budget, thus I have my collection of low-end instruments as pictured above. I figure the only time one needs a flashy nice instrument is when they actually want to impress their audience after they have won them over to come to their concerts. I use my cheaply made instruments the same way people who buy shiny ones do, but I didn't waste large quantities of money on mine. Instead, I have a small beat up electric guitar from '95 that was a hand me down from my sister, a Squire J-Bass, and an Ibanez acoustic (non electric) all of which are th only things I need to thrive and learn things in the musical world. I would just like to emphasize the difference between wowing everybody with your nice things, and wowing them with creativity. I feel the latter is more important.

03 March, 2009

Interesting podcast

There's a little guitar shop in Milwaukee that likes to have fun talking about what they know best over coffee while recording themselves. It does not update very frequently, but these guys make it lengthy, entertaining, funny, and informative. Episodes range between 40 minutes and 1 hour and 20 minutes. They also divided a video podcast and audio only podcast for those without interest in downloading entire video files.




10 February, 2009

Some places that seem cool to go to and dine

These are a couple cool places for eating from. One's a bit nicer than the other, but it's all about your mood.

View Larger Map

05 February, 2009

plane crash rattles college professors.

Thursday, Feb. 5th 2009

A plane leaving LaGuardia airport crashed minutes after take-off. On board were two professors of a college here in Ermon. Lyndon State College Professors John Dumont and George Johnson were on board Hightail Flight 1001 when the Airplane suffered an engine malfunction.

Of the 45 people on the flight, 40 survived including the two professors. Their trip to NY for a conference seems to have gotten them into quite a predicament.

Fortunately they were unharmed and were able to catch the next flight back to Ermon. We are grateful that they were unharmed, and pray for those who were lost.

02 February, 2009

a quick explanation of the music aspect of this site

Hey all,
I'm going to let you know about the musical aspect of this blog. So far it's all been politics, politics, politics. The fact is, that's not all we do. I handle reviews and descriptions of local bands playing in the Burlington area and sometimes a little closer to our state's borders. Let me explain the site design briefly:

We wanted something that would look professional, but not stuck up. So we agreed to the current layout from the options. In addition, many of you may have realized the Salvador Dali painting of the Day on the side. This is because surrealism art is definitely the best thing to juxtapose with politics and music. The Talmud quote at the bottom is because our representative is Jewish, and we always like to do something for him because he does miracles for us. We thought it would be a gesture of fairness to have wisdom from his people's texts for him to glance at whenever he checks up on our site. We're working on a slideshow of our area to put up, and intend on adding some local music to the site. Until then, we are linking anybody interested in local music to Big Heavy World. They have an awesome radio station as well called "The Radiator" It's 105.9 in the Burlington area. They simulcast on their website in case you are too far away to pick up their station. Not too long from now, we'll be working on making sure that every local band is recognized.

Thank you, and we (being us and local musicians) look forward to and appreciate your attention.

30 January, 2009

He spoke in a grateful tone.

Benreiny gives thank you address as first action in office.

It was noon today that new Prime Representative Benreiny addressed his supporters with a heartfelt thank you. "It's been a pleasure running for you, and it'll be a pleasure meeting your expectations, maybe even going well beyond them," Benreiny chuckled. He reiterated his campaign promises, which among other things included his new strategy to foreign relations with both Ewamshire and Aine. He plans to hold several conferences with Overseer Tatecha of Ewamshire and Liberty Protector Een of Aine. In addition, he pledges to make sure the survivors are properly taken care of seeing as many of them are amputees or somehow impaired emotionally, physically, or mentally by the horrible events.

Shortly after the speech Benreiny was seen joining a group of survivors in discussion. One survivor in particular, identified only as Jayco, seemed to have an influence on Benreiny. He left with Jayco in heated discussion, blowing off his security personnel for a little education we can only presume.

As of yet, we can only wonder if Jayco will be influencing Benreiny's decisions in office, and if his influence would be beneficial.

P.R. Benreiny, may you know your path to be built from our needs. Please tread swiftly.

29 January, 2009

The crown has been taken up!

Ermon celebrates its newly elected leader.
Prime representative Benreiny has been elected to run Ermon for the next four years. Ermon hopes he will fill up the large void left by the death of Ermon's favourite leader in the past thirty years. P.R. Benreiny asked for a moment of silence to respect the passing of former P.R. Quone. Quone led our nation through a tough time. Ever the controversial leader, when Ewamshire started the war, he decided rather than take an opposing action, it was our nation's duty to harbor and rescue the victims of the unspeakable places. Quone's contribution to the treaty that officially ended the war was the contribution of Matanzas mansion to Ermon, and the blockading of all the unspeakable places. P.R. Benreiny's contribution is still up in the air, but if he's anything like Quone this nation is in for another eight years of unique leadership. It will be very difficult considering the age difference. While Quone took office at a ripe 62 years of age, Benreiny is a mere 31 years old. He has little eperience with the war and survivors, but hopefully he will get a good grasp of how to cater to their needs. "The ones who lived," as they like to be called, have become a great demographic and will heavily influence the needs of this nation.
Benreiny will be put to the test, let us pray for him.

And the voice was heard

We are a reporting duo. Our purpose is to write about both the current events, some history, and local music of our area. We have experience in both fields, and are perfectly prepared to report on the subjects. Soon we will have a review for a show near us, and all the while we will be keeping tabs on our elected officials.
We thank you in advance for visiting, and hope you frequent our site. We will provide not only interesting stories, but reviews of our great local musical artists.
~J & B